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Our volunteers spend their time outside of normally scheduled life--work, school, family, etc.-- and they make a major impact. Theresa Gomez has been an advocate for just over 6 months. During this time, she's taken on incredibly difficult cases, and she doesn't hesitate to do her absolute best. Even if it means going out of her way, she makes sure her CASA Kids have someone who not only cares, but is willing to fight for them.

Her case coordinator, Araceli Espinoza, said, "Theresa's case has been fast paced, high needs and has required involvement from multiple parties. [She] has worked hard to maintain her close communication with all 3 children even though they are now placed in different counties."

The children she has gotten to know and love are now in multiple locations and she's taken on the responsibilities of ensuring they have the best for their circumstances by going the extra mile, taking extra time, and recognizing their needs for an adult figure that will fight for them. While with us this morning, she said, "it makes me appreciate what I had as a child and helps me to give them what they don't have..."

Thank you, Theresa, for being one of the many volunteers that make CASA of Tulare County a success. Thank you for seeing value in the eyes and hearts of your CASA Kids, and for going above and beyond in how you care for them. We want to make sure our Advocates know they are valued and that we recognize the efforts they make in their work with CASA. Please join us in thanking Theresa and all of our CASA Superheroes!

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