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In my short time as Executive Director with CASA of Tulare County, one thing that stands out above and beyond all else is PASSION. Each person I have met cares deeply and genuinely for our kiddos, and the cause. I am honored to be in such a committed community. I have a deep appreciation for dedicated and hardworking volunteers and staff. Having worked in both the for-profit world and the not-for-profit world, I know that there is no greater reward than the opportunity to work with passionate volunteers in an outstanding organization. 

I am very excited about the future of CASA, and the direction that we are heading.  Change is always hard, and it takes time and a concerted effort to really get on board with change. 2020 is going to be a big year for the organization. 

I encourage everyone to be on the lookout for our new movie theater ads located in the Visalia Cinema’s and seeing us more involved in the surrounding areas this summer. You will also notice an increase in our marketing as well, aligning with our outreach efforts to target each area within Tulare County. 

What matters most is that we serve you better by keeping you up to date and engaged with what is happening with CASA. The Newsletter enhancement and our Marketing push are designed to help you get what you need quickly and easily.

I recognize and appreciate that so many of you have made CASA a success throughout the years. In the coming year I commit to listen to your input as we shape CASA and expand the support it facilitates. Look for details in the future on our new website and about any future events, training's, orientation that we may have. 

In addition to checking out what’s new with CASA, I have a favor to ask. Updating everyone’s contact information will be the key to expanding and improving our communication. Moreover, if you know of anyone who may want to contribute their time as well, as their resources, please let us know. This can be done by either calling the office at 559-625-4007 or by email at

One Team, One Voice,

Eric D. Johnson, Executive Director

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